We Finally Moved Abroad

Learn more about how we did it down below

Learn Our Different Family Experiences During Our Overseas Move

Family of 6


My Husband & I were crazy enough to have 4 kids before either of us turned 30. 

While we decided enough is enough (he got the snip…) it became our goal to try and find the best possible location to raise our kids. 

We tried where I grew up (Ohio), where he grew up (Hawaii), places with bigger family sizes (Utah) to places a bit sunnier (South Carolina). 

While there was something amazing about each location we lived in; it always felt like something equally as big was missing. 

So in January of 2022 we decided to make the jump abroad. 

We chose Spain as our first destination and so far our family loves every single minute of it!

In Less Than 6 Months We Moved From The United States To Europe!

Have You Seen Our YouTube Videos?

Every week we do 2-3 videos on our move here, things we have experienced, and the upcoming countries we will be visiting!