When Is The Best Time To Visit Valencia Spain? Tourist Can Sightsee Almost Year Round!
We get asked all the time, “When is the best time to visit Valencia, Spain in 2023?”
Valencia is a beautiful city on the Mediterranean that has pleasant weather year round. With that in mind we do have a few months that we enjoy more than others.
While there is not a “bad” time to visit this ever-growing city I do think some of the summer months are better than others (as explained more in depth below).
We moved from the midwest in the USA, and I will have to say I do not miss the freezing cold weather one bit! It does get into the 40s (Fahrenheit) for a few months but for our family, it is extremely tolerable!!
As long as you have a warm jacket and bundle up, you can manage the cold. With Spain being one of the sunniest countries in Europe (having more than 300 days of sunshine), it’s easy to find that “sunny spot” to warm up.
When Is The Best Time to Visit Valencia - The Best Time of Year To Explore The City
So I have only been here a year but I think without a doubt the ultimate time to visit Valencia is during May / June and September / October.
The Mediterranean climate has Valencia in May utterly amazing; while airline prices have not spiked too bad yet for the height of summer.
September might be my favorite month of the off-season and if you are budget travelers your wallet will thank you for heading this way in October.
The autumn season is perfect fall weather and the average monthly temperatures are absolutely divine.

What Is The Coldest Month In Valencia Spain??

February is hands down the chilliest month of the year. From November to February is the winter season here, but it progressively gets colder in these four months.
In February, it is not warm enough to comfortably enjoy a swim in the Mediterranean sea or take a stroll down by the windy beach. You will need a thicker jacket and possibly a pair of gloves, if your hands get cold like mine does!
Listed below I will have a more detailed breakdown on what to expect during these “cold” months.
January-February - The Coldest "Winter" Months
In general, most places in January is the slow, off season. Spain, particularly Valencia city, celebrates a very large holiday.
Three Kings Day in Valencia is an annual Spanish festival celebrating its traditions and history.
In these months, you are able to enjoy indoor activities and various attractions. Tourism is slow and the flights are affordable.
If you want to avoid the crowds and brave the “cold”, these months are perfect for you!
Just keep in mind when you are packing, just because the weather channel says its going to be 50 degrees Fahrenheit, the wind can make it feel a whole lot colder!

March-April - Spring Is On Its Way and LAS FALLAS!

Good news! Spring is on its way and Valencia in March starts to become pleasant again! You are able to ditch that winter coat and start to prepare for the Las Fallas festival.
Las Fallas is a huge festivity that attracts visitors from around the world. Mid-March in Valencia, Spain, this local holiday celebrates the commemoration of Saint Joseph.
Keep in mind that March is sometimes the rainiest month throughout the year but most travelers don’t care because they are coming to PARTY!
**Traveler tip : Book your trip well in advance because accommodations book up quick because of the Fallas festivities! Prices (as in hotels, airBnBs, cars, etc), start to rise for about 3 weeks in March.
The end of March, the city is recovering from the MASSIVE street parties, bonfires, and celebrations. You will be more likely to find a cheaper place to stay towards the last week of March into April.
During this time, flights are lower. When we first came to visit Valencia, we booked our trip during this time and it was a $350 roundtrip from Ohio to Valencia, Spain.
April weather during the day shows on average to be in the high 60s (F). Prepare for some rainfall, but there are few and far days between!
If you are traveling in April, try to keep in mind that Valencia city will close down for a whole week for Easter events. When we were booking our scouting trip to come here, we were advised to either come the first week of April or the last week to make sure everyone was back in their offices!
May-June - Sunshine, Beach, And Warm Weather
May and June are arguably the nicest months to go to Valencia. The crowds at this time are on the lower end and the children here are still in school. For us, the weather is perfect to head down to the water, relax, and work on your tan.
This is truly perfect travel weather as the average high in May & June is 24 -28 degrees Celsius (75-82 Fahrenheit for us Americans). I think May is one of the best times to go to Valencia because it is not a humid month (like June and August are) and as I mentioned above; lodging is not skyrocketing yet like it does in the main tourist months!
The water is a little chilly, but if you come from anywhere up north, I’m sure you will find it warm! Since we are used to colder weather, we found the average temperatures during this time are VERY enjoyable.

June is PERFECT!! School gets out at the end of the month so take advantage of the peace and quiet during the day! If you are traveling with children, go to the playgrounds, Bioparc, aquarium, etc. in the mornings and early afternoon.
You will escape all of the school children running around and avoid most of the lines. Don’t forget to take a nice stroll in the Turia park. You will find so many cute playgrounds along the way!
Going to the beach at this time is also amazing! It will start getting more crowded from 3pm onwards. Take a little break and grab a paella down by the water. Valencia is known for their paella, so make sure you don’t miss out on this delicious cuisine!
We believe during these two months, it is great for sightseeing, hikes, bike ride tours, picnics, and so many more activities.
What Is The Hottest Month In Valencia??
BY FAR AUGUST! I cannot express to you how hot and miserable August was for our family. This is definitely the hottest month of the year. We weren’t used to the weather being ridiculously hot and humid as well! We had no AC and minimal fans.
I truly do love Valencia weather the other 11 months out of the year. It was so muggy and it felt like the average daily temperature was over 95 degrees Fahrenheit. If the Valencia climate was a “drier heat” I don’t think August would be that bad. But the humidity and the high temps make it almost unbearable.
My husband refuses to even go into the water at the beach because he says the water temperature feels like a “lukewarm bath”. Also keep in mind that if you chose this time of year to visit, most of the locals (from Spain) travel and leave the city for August! If the weather in Valencia is causing the locals to leave; let that act as your travel guide too!
We clearly did not know what we were doing in our first August in Valencia. Lesson learned and next year we will be ready!
July-August - Warmest And Highest Humidity Levels

Summer months are in full bloom in Valencia. The airline prices and accommodations are at their peak! Obviously the weather in July is fabulous and if you can afford the trip, book it! July was such a cool and cultural month.
I really enjoyed walking my dogs down in the Turia Park every night and watching the concerts, plays, local festivals, cultural events, parties, and so much more. EVERYONE is out enjoying the weather and I feel like everyone just seems happier in July.
In the latter part of July, it begins getting uncomfortably hot for our family. We spent almost everyday down by the water to keep cool. The summer season in Valencia is wonderful and there is so many things you can do outdoors.
Just when you think you are going to enjoy the rest of your summer, August comes! I have never lived in a place where it is so hot and humid that everyone basically wears their sweat as an accessory. For some, maybe it’s not an issue but for us, we were miserable!
The only way we could cool off was going to the beach or finding ANYWHERE with AC. And I mean anywhere. We found ourselves hanging around stores for an extra long time because we didn’t want to go back to our home (no AC there).
A lot of apartments in Valencia do not have central AC, so majority of the locals leave the city. We obviously didn’t get this memo our first August here. Next year, we have a plan to go up north and leave for three weeks.
We also noticed a lot of the stores had big sales in August. Since we hung around a lot of stores, we obviously bought a lot of junk we didn’t need!
Something I thought was really neat that we didn’t participate in this year was the annual “food fight” in Spain.
There is a tomato festival held up north that Spain has become famous for! Hopefully next year our family will be able to participate in this event!

What Is The Best Month To Visit Valencia??
It is a hard choice for me between June and September, but ultimately September wins for the best month to visit Valencia. With cheaper flights, slightly less crowds, kids back in school, and the WARM Mediterranean sea; this wins the best month for my family.
At the end of the day, the average temperatures in Valencia (in our opinion) are some of the best in the world!
September-October - Ideal Time Of Year In Valencia

I love the fall no matter where I am in the world. The ideal time of year for our family in Valencia was September. My kids and I thought the temperature of the water was beyond perfect.
My husband, not so much. He is from Hawaii so his personal opinion on the water here, felt more like a bath rather than a body of water.
September takes the cake for our favorite temperature here in Valencia. Valencia in August was a nightmare, so maybe this is another reason why we love September so much!
Crowds die down a ton, but it’s still warm and ALWAYS sunny! Beaches are less crowded and you will be able to relax more and enjoy not having people basically sharing your towel.
We felt that the water was the warmest in September and October. Our kids loved leaving school right after lunch and heading down to the beach!
Kids go back to school mid-September so the mornings and early afternoons will be a lot more calm than the previous months. Weather can be a little rainy during these two months, but it doesn’t last long.
Prices in September and October for airlines and accommodations in the city have come down from their peak in the summer. We tell friends and family to book their trips during these two months because we think they will have the ultimate experience.
Is November A Good Time To Visit Valencia, Spain??
I would have to say Yes! November is a good time to visit, you may just have to miss out on swimming in the water. We had friends who swam in the sea with children until mid-November. It’s definitely possible, it’s just not for me or my children!
November-December - Start Of Winter
Valencia’s weather in November starts getting a little cooler. You will see a lot of the local people start whipping out those fashionable fall sweaters and jackets! My family on the other-hand, was still in shorts and tank tops during the day.
We always had to have a sweater handy because the wind does make it a little chilly especially at night or walking the kids to school in the morning.
You can still enjoy eating outside at restaurants or grabbing some drinks late night with friends.
Valencia in December is when the festivities for Christmas begins. They have little markets throughout the city, ice skating, lights, and small events.
Something I thought was different is Valencia is very keen on their nativity scenes! They were some of the most beautiful and intricate displays I have ever seen!

**DISCLAIMER : Compared to the United States, the festivities are not what we were used to. Although, they are still very beautiful here, I was personally expecting a little more. Next year, we are heading up north for some of the biggest Christmas Markets in the world (Budapest, Vienna, Germany).
When Should I Go To Valencia Spain??
As I mentioned above, I personally love May / June / September / October. To be honest, even if you came during the “rainy” season, I believe you would have a great trip.
Many people think of Madrid or Barcelona when they think of Spain, but I promise Valencia won’t disappoint. Valencia is so rich in culture and traditions, I believe you will be happy spending some time here!